17 Best Author Box Plugins for WordPress

Omose Ikhalo
10 min readJun 10, 2020


Authors/writers who are sure of the information they put out will have no problem attaching their name and bio to their articles.

An author box enables you to present the biographical information of an author of a blog post on your website.

This will not only boost your site’s credibility, but it will also help your readers reach out to the author of a post if they choose to seek more information.

In this article, I will be giving you 17 best author box plugins for WordPress which will enable you to feature your authors’ and contributors’ information on your website.

Let’s begin:


This plugin which can be added through the default options or by generating a shortcode, allows you to insert additional information about an author in your post, pages, and custom post. It also comes with additional fields for user profiles, and 10 social icons for an author’s social profile.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It supports display images from social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on…
  • With a convenient shortcode, you can add the author box anywhere you like in your blog post.
  • There are five beautifully designed templates pack.
  • You can put enable and disable the author box per post.



This plugin uses the widget area section to display a list of all the authors on your website. The author with the highest number of articles is normally at the top of the list and by clicking on an author’s link, you can go through their profile and view all their articles.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • This widget allows you to limit the number of authors on your site.
  • It comes with a responsive design that is compatible with all browsers.
  • You can get the number of post count by hovering the cursor of your mouse on the author’s link.
  • Social media icons can be added below the author’s name



The Booster Extension is a free WordPress plugin that displays estimated post reading time in your blog post. This goes a long way to encourage your readers to read your post. It also comes with reaction buttons which increases your engagement, allowing you to get users feedback

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It calculates and displays a reading time in your blog post.
  • A responsive author box with social profiles can be added at the end of your post.
  • You can increase your site’s engagement by enabling the like and dislike buttons.
  • Booster Extension allows you to share your content with your friends on social media.



The Simple Author Box is a lightweight plugin with an attractive look on computers and mobile phones. It displays an author’s name, gravatar, website, social icons, and bio, and can also be customized to match your theme design.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It supports RTL languages.
  • The author box is automatically inserted at the end of a post.
  • The plugin is flexible and easy to customize to blend with your theme design.
  • It supports AMP.



This is a simple and free WordPress plugin with a group of fantastic functions, designed to be used in a single post and single author page on your website. The plugin displays an author’s name, image, role, short bio, and email address. You can increase the social followers of an author by adding social contact icons.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It provides two profile image layout (round or square).
  • You can choose to hide or display the author’s role and email addresses.
  • The plugin inserts social media icons at the bottom of the author’s box
  • There is a provision for three different alignments (right, left, or center) for the bio box.



Elementor is a popular page builder with a lot of free features. it’s premium version meanwhile has a tool known as the “Theme Builder” that allows you to add an author box or customize an existing one. The Elementor Pro author box widget gives you a choice to use the dynamic content which is available from WordPress user’s profile or the static content.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • Elementor assigns an HTML tag to the author.
  • It provides you the choice to show or hide an author’s name or profile picture.
  • The plugin gives users, access to your archive button.
  • It comes with a lot of flexibility to customize your theme’s author box.



Another WordPress plugin that supports single and multiple authors is the sexy author bio (also known as WP Author Bio). You can customize it’s settings if you wish to change the background, color, and so on.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It has a highly responsive design.
  • The plugin has various social icons to choose from and supports so many social networks.
  • There is a shortcode available for the plugin which allows you to place your author bio box anywhere in your site.
  • Sexy author bio has a bright look



If you like to create different author boxes across your site, then you should use the starbox plugin. With it, you have control over where to display the boxes on your site (before or after an article). Your readers can also track the previous posts that an author has published on your blog.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • Starbox provides Google Authorship for your authors.
  • The plugin provides links to the social media profiles of your authors.
  • It allows you to upload your images without using a gravatar.
  • Using this plugin gives you access to Google Microformats (vCard) which will display rich snippets in Google search results.



If what you are looking for is a plugin that allows you to add a guest post to your site without adding the author as a user, then you should be looking at this plugin. Simply guest authors provide archives for guest authors, authors list, gride shortcodes, and allows you to add guest authors to custom posts and pages.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • You can upload the images of your guest authors.
  • The plugin supports gravatar and custom URLs.
  • The Simply Guest Author also supports custom posts and author in searches.
  • You can easily add the guest author to a blog post.



This plugin should help you create a simple and straight forward author box. It offers designs that are easy to customize and gives you the option to display the author boxes in a post, and on the home page.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It presents a box with the author’s biography.
  • The author bio box displays social icons at the bottom of the post.
  • You can adjust the colors and gravatar size.
  • It is simple to use.



The Monlongui Authorship plugin lets you add multiple author boxes to a blog post that was created by more than one author. This benefits a site that accepts lots of guest posts. It also allows you to add bylines for your writers instead of creating a separate users account for them.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • The Monlongui Authorship plugin allows you to create author boxes for unregistered authors.
  • It supports Facebook and Google Authorship.
  • This plugin has a lot of customization options.
  • It supports numerous social media networks.



This plugin also allows you to add more than one author (as many as you need) and display their biography on the frontend of your website. With this plugin, you can also create guest authors who don’t need an account on your site and these guest authors will be treated identically to authors who have WordPress accounts.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • PublishPress authors allow you to build a custom layout for authors.
  • The plugin provides for you, numerous ways to display an author’s profile.
  • Enables you to create custom fields that you will use for the profiles of your authors.



The design of this plugin allows you to create multiple authors to posts, pages, or custom post types through a search-as-you-type input box. You can add writers as authors without creating a WordPress user account.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • This plugin gives you the ability to use included subcommands to create guest authors in bulk automatically.
  • You can create writers bylines without creating WordPress users’ accounts.
  • Co-authors are allowed to edit the post they are associated with.
  • With this plugin, you can create a listing of all posts by a given co-author.



With this plugin, you can easily display an author/user profile info inside the WordPress widget. It has an author/user auto detection which gives you the option to display the author of a current post on a single post template or a specific author archive.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It has a custom avatar size.
  • This plugin automatically detects post author on a single post and author templates.
  • The Meks Smart Author Widget gives you an option to link the user display name to the author’s archive.
  • It provides for you, flexible display options.



The Wp Biographia enables you to add customizable author bios to posts and pages, RSS feeds, archives, widgets, and even custom post types. The backend of this plugin may be complicated for someone new to WordPress.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • The Wp Biographia Plugins integrates with all major social media platforms.
  • It provides custom posts and RSS feeds.
  • Background colors, box colors, and border properties can be controlled.
  • With this plugin, you can control the information that is displayed on the profile.
  • The plugin allows you to enable or disable social media links in the author box.



Another great plugin you can use to display an author’s profile on your site is the metro author widget. Setting it up is straight forward and easy. This free plugin supports all themes and caching plugins.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • It displays your author’s first name.
  • You are given an option to show or hide your social media icons.
  • The metro author widget can be used multiple times.
  • The gravatar images are replaceable.
  • You have an option to add the author’s social media links.



Yet another plugin that will work for you if you have a lot of guest authors who each do not have a user account. Using this plugin may help in encouraging bloggers to write guest posts on your website. The custom profile is completely configurable, you can decide to display anything.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • You have an option to include social media buttons.
  • The plugin allows you to display any custom profile.
  • Option to display an author’s website user profile or a custom profile.



If you’ve been looking for a way to make all your pages a landing page then you should be looking at the fancier author box. This is another amazing plugin that allows you to choose where your author box should appear on your site.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • You can automatically or manually, add your author box before or after your post, pages, and custom post types.
  • Fancier author box can be disabled on certain posts/pages.
  • It is social networks supported


Elite Members — WordPress Author Listing and Box

The Elite members plugin displays your top authors/contributors. It also presents your site authors in grids and lists.

This plugin offers the following features:

  • Elite members allow authors to add their social hyperlinks from their profile.
  • It comes with three authors box styles and four author listing styles
  • The color options are configurable.


Final thoughts

From the list, you can see that there are so many author box plugins to use depending on the occasion.

Most of the plugins I have listed here are free.

Just like the comment box, an author box also helps to improve your site’s engagement.

Unfortunately, most site owners don’t consider it important. Hopefully, this article helps you sort out what you’ve been looking for.

